Tag: Physical Web

  • $500 rectangle meet $5 rectangle

    $500 rectangle meet $5 rectangle

    We started 2017 by (optimistically) predicting that a major social network would empower their users to “advertise” their profile to specific physical places they visit. In other words: We expected 2017 to be the dawn of seamless PHYSICAL social networking. We had high hopes for Snap when this year we observed their Spectacles transmitting uniquely-identifiable…

  • “Advertise” yourself with The Physical Web, and beyond…

    “Advertise” yourself with The Physical Web, and beyond…

    Would you wear a t-shirt that advertises a webpage? Attend any tech conference and you’d be hard pressed not to spot one. In fact, most of us advertise company brands every day by much more than just the clothes we wear. Now, would you wear a t-shirt that advertises YOUR webpage? Why not? You are…