Tag: Smart Workplace

  • Open for business today and a better tomorrow

    Open for business today and a better tomorrow

    As we begin 2021 in the second (or even third!) wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses around the world have by now, with few exceptions, been forced to shift, scale or even suspend their operations. During the first wave, many companies and organisations sought out contact tracing and social distancing solutions to minimise or delay…

  • Location and traceability in times of pandemic

    Location and traceability in times of pandemic

    Yesterday (March 11th, 2020), the World Health Organisation’s Director General characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic. Today, in Montréal where reelyActive is based, and around the world, many find themselves directly and personally affected by measures intended to prevent the spread of the virus, including business, institution and school closures, as well as travel restrictions and…

  • Predict not what you can create

    Predict not what you can create

    We’re all familiar with some variant of the adage: The best way to predict the future is to create it. Our first blog post of each of the past three years has been about prediction. This year will be different. What’s different this year is our move into a new office which will serve as…

  • The IoT finally runs away from home

    The IoT finally runs away from home

    Last week, in her Stacey on IoT newsletter, the one and only tech journalist who has shared our passion and optimism for the IoT since the earliest days of the hype wave of 2012 finally changed her tune, declaring that “the state of the smart home in 2018 is pretty disappointing.” We’re going to have…