Tag: Web

  • The Web turns 35!

    The Web turns 35!

    The World Wide Web turns 35 years old today, March 12th 2024, and its inventor, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, expressed in an open letter the exacerbation of his concerns since the Web’s 30th anniversary, which we blogged about five years ago today. When social media dominated the headlines in 2019, in a similar open letter, he…

  • The Web turns 30!

    The Web turns 30!

    The World Wide Web turns 30 years old today, March 12th 2019, and its inventor, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has asked its citizens to help build a timeline of the web’s history. Given that reelyActive has existed on the Web for about a quarter of its history, we thought it’d be fun to look back at…