Internet of Toilets

The Internet and the sharing economy have democratised access to mobility, accommodations, and even everyday objects and commodities. So why is that by 2012, a person on-the-go could already hail their “own private driver” in minutes, yet in 2024 the promise of “your own private washroom” remains unfulfilled?

The wait is over. Launching today, April 1st, 2024 is the first ever platform to optimise relief on-the-go based on proximity, privacy and propriety (known as the “P-paradigm”).

Thanks to the proliferation of privacy-preserving wireless occupancy sensing technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) today extends to public restrooms: a veritable Internet of Toilets. Where an Internet-connected smartphone in every car enabled the Uberisation of mobility, IoT-connected sensors in every WC are now enabling the so-called Poo-berisation of personal relief.

Internet of Toilets wireless sensors

Are the hand towels stocked? There’s a wireless level sensor for that.

Is there water (let’s hope it is just water) on the floor? There’s a wireless leak detection sensor for that.

Are there free adjacent buffer stalls? There are wireless ToF (time-of-flight) anonymous occupancy sensors for that.

Is it nice and quiet? There’s a wireless sound level sensor for that.

What are the statistical chances that I’ll have the facilities to myself? There are wireless door contact and PIR anonymous occupancy sensors paired with AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Toilets) edge computing technology for that.

So wipe away everything you know about relief on the go, and say hello to an infinite scroll of options as long as the roll of freshly-stocked TP that beckons the call. How foolish it would be to imagine a world without an IoT!